Halloween Means Increased Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians crossing a street at night.

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Brett Pritchard Law

Fall is in the air, and that means Halloween is not far behind. Halloween holds a special magic for children and adults alike, but it is not without its unique dangers. In fact, pedestrian accidents increase dramatically on Halloween. As you prepare for your family's spooky festivities this All Hallows' Eve, make pedestrian safety your top priority.

National Statistics

Pedestrian accidents are always dangerous accidents. However, when you combine all of the extraordinary components that make Halloween uniquely Halloween, pedestrian accidents become that much more likely and that much more potentially dangerous. Here are some accidents statistics shared by ProtectAmerica that are enough to make any parent shudder:

  • 64 percent of children do not carry a flashlight while they are trick-or-treating
  • 70 percent of parents do not accompany their children on Halloween
  • 82 percent of parents do not use reflective tape or other visibility aids on their child’s costume
  • 86 percent of adults bring alcohol to a Halloween party
  • Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in pedestrian accidents on Halloween than they are on any other day of the year.

These statistics indicate that the scariest part of Halloween may be the risks associated with serious accidents.

Safety Factors Relevant to Halloween

Halloween is a special night for pedestrians of every age, and these special factors conspire to help make the holiday especially dangerous for pedestrians. These factors include:

  • Halloween is the one night a year when children are encouraged to roam the streets in costumes that often not only reduce their visibility but also restrict their range of motion and vision.
  • Children are impulsive at the best of times, but Halloween adds an element of excitement that often makes them that much more impulsive (and more likely to dart into the street without forewarning).
  • Halloween celebrations are not limited to children, and adults are not immune to the excitement. This can leave children less well supervised than they would normally be. Adult Halloween parties also increase the number of impaired drivers on the road.

If a Negligent Driver Leaves You Injured in a Pedestrian Accident this Halloween, Contact a Killeen Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Halloween is a magical holiday that helps bring families and neighborhoods together in fun and unique ways. While the excitement of Halloween is undeniable, so too is the attendant danger for pedestrians. If a negligent driver leaves you or someone you love injured – or worse – this Halloween, Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, is on your side. Mr. Pritchard is a formidable Killeen personal injury lawyer who will tirelessly advocate on your behalf for the compensation to which you are entitled. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.
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