5 Things to Know about Your Post-Accident ER Visit

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Brett Pritchard Law

If you have been injured in a car accident that was caused by another driver’s negligence, there is a lot going on. Your number one priority, however, should always be your health. If the medical techs on the scene suggest or offer transportation to the emergency room, it is in the best interest of both your health and your personal injury claim to take them up on the offer.

What You Need to Know about the ER Visit

If you end up in the emergency room after being injured in a car accident, there are five important considerations that you should take into account:

  1. ERs Perform Triage

The medical professionals in the ER perform triage, which means that they will attempt to assess the severity of your injuries quickly. Unless your injuries are extremely serious or life-threatening and require immediate treatment, you are likely to be discharged with a prescribed course of action. In the interest of your health and your claim, take the advice provided and follow up in a timely fashion.

  1. Signing Documents

In the process of obtaining the necessary treatment in the ER, you are going to be presented with many, many forms to sign. Pay attention to what you are signing and make sure that you provide the hospital with your health insurance information so that your insurance provider will be billed.

  1. Hospital Rates

In Texas, the hospital you visit after an accident can file a hospital lien, which means that the hospital will have payment priority when it comes to the ensuing financial settlement. If you have no health coverage, there is nothing to stop the hospital from charging you premium rates (that are much higher than those charged to insured patients). If the hospital does file a lien, contact the billing department and request a reduction in the full billing amount. They are very likely motivated to work with you.

  1. Accident Description

Inevitably, you will be required to provide a medical professional with a description of your accident. Respond truthfully but be concise and stick to the stark facts. What you say now can affect your claim, and you do not want an overly elaborate story to come back and haunt you.

  1. Description of Your Injuries

When it comes to describing your injuries to the attending doctor, on the other hand, it is time to be thorough. You should point out any area in which you feel pain, discomfort, or even something that is simply “off.” Injuries have a way of intensifying over time, and it is important to remember that early diagnosis is closely associated with improved prognosis.

If Another Driver’s Negligence Lands You in the ER, You Need an Experienced Central Texas Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, Attorney Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Central Texas is here to help. Mr. Pritchard has the experience, determination, and compassion to help guide your claim toward its best possible resolution. For more information, please contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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